{ a perfect December day}

Today is a perfect December day because...

It's the first day of winter.

There was a lunar eclipse early this morning.

It snowed last night.

No school for my kids.

And it's my birthday!

Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes!!!!

I just might have to celebrate with  a large cappuccino...

and a cupcake.

And I'm going to wish I was here...

or even here....

But really when I know I'm here...

And here are just some random pictures that I love....

I would post new pictures but I'm having issues with my computer...I've been fighting with it all morning. 

Doesn't it realize it's my birthday and everything is suppose to be perfect today?


I'm moving my blog to Home Love but I'm still working out the details.


Got forks?

I woke up this morning to this sign in my driveway that said…DEER KILLER'S AUNT GOT FORKED!

Thanks to my niece I had all these plastic forks in the yard.

And my jeep was covered in this stuff…

Somehow Brayden managed to get himself in a bind.

It all started when she hit a deer a few days ago.
I called her a "deer-killer".
So while she was at work last night, I wrapped her car with yellow caution tape and my sidekick wrote "I'm a deer-killer" on her bumper.

It's just a little innocent prank…considering she drew all over my jeep windows with hearts, pac-man and happy faces.
(this is really an on-going prank that started in the summer but there's no need to go back that far)

So now I am on a mission…you know, payback.
I am calling all you pranksters for some good tips.
Fun and harmless of course.
The time I sprayed silly string all over my niece's car didn't turn out so well.
Did you know silly string ruins car paint????
I didn't!
Turns out my niece is deathly afraid of spiders and Chihuahuas.
I need some help.
It's so on!
Watch your back K10…and your little sidekick.

I know where you live!

This is the time of year I put away my flip-flops, pool toys and beach towels. Gone are my carefree days, iced tea and lemonade. Although summer is my favorite time of the year, this is my husband's favorite time. I don't blame him…I love it too. I love the crisp night air, apple pie, pumpkins and the bright colors of the fall leaves.

This year the fall equinox will be on September 23 at 3:09am (UTC time) which in my area will actually occur September 22 at 11:09 pm EST. During the fall equinox, the sun crosses the (celestial) equator and moves southward in the northern hemisphere. During this time, the sun appears to be almost directly over the Earth's equator. The length of night and day is nearly but not quite equal. The word equinox comes from two Latin words which mean "equal" and "night". After the fall equinox, the nights begin to get longer.

What does this all mean and why am I telling you this? Did you know during the equinox you can stand up a broom? Last year I tried it and my broom stood up for hours. I also heard you can stand up an egg. I haven't tried it so I don't know if this is just a myth.

So there it is…a little homeschool lesson. And maybe even a trick to impress your friends with.

Quote of the day...

"Life is too short to drink cheap coffee"

I am at the jeep dealership waiting for my jeep window to be fixed.

I will be waiting for at least two hours according to my serviceman.

I dropped the kids off at grandma's.

I forgot to feed them breakfast...as Shaye reminds as we're heading out the door.

I did not eat breakfast too (ugh).

I have had about 4 hours of sleep.

I have a half cup of yesterdays brew of coffee(ugh).

So do I dare try dealership coffee?

No way...

I just daydream about Starbucks.

Boy...that diet coke in the vending machine is calling my name.

Summer's End

I feel the summer ending. School starts in a few weeks, no more plans for road trips and vacations, and I'm shopping for pencils and notebooks. These are all the signs that summer is coming to it's end. My nephews are preparing to leave for college and my mom will be returning soon from her month long vacation in the Philippines too.

I love summer and the carefree days. I will miss it. I enjoyed my first summer back in Ohio. Although this was the first year in about 10, maybe 15, years that I did not go to the beach. I traded it in for a pool in the backyard. The kids have enjoyed having the pool too.

The summer was filled with a lot of activities. We made a big dent on the "summer list". Ok, I did take "wash the dog" off the list. And we missed the meteor showers...I forgot about it. Oh, we also did not make it to Chicago, not yet. Pat is on his way there as I type, but the kids and I could not make it with him. Shaye had to attend a ballet workshop which was mandatory. Did I tell you that Shaye made the ballet competition team. I'm so proud of her. Not bad for only taking ballet for 6 months!

Last week we went to Pigeon Forge with my sister, my bro-in-law, and 4 of their 5 kids. We had a blast! We zip lined, went whitewater rafting, played games, shopping and just hung out. The kids had so much fun just playing around at the cabins. They played games, one of which I'm surprised they didn't have nightmares over this game. It was nice to be all together. It has been years since we've been together like that. It just seemed to never happen while we lived in Virginia. And now that my 2 nephews are leaving for college, it was extra special.

I forgot to take pictures while on vacation...notice no pics in this blog. Actually I forgot to take pictures of the whole summer. Maybe I can beg, borrow and plead for pics from my family and friends. Until then, you just have my words to picture my summer. And a wonderful summer it has been!

Now excuse me while I unpack some school books....ugh!


I went running today...sorta!

Let's just leave it at that.